Subject: Prime Number Calculator Author: Gutenberg Project/Evan Vetere Uploaded By: EVetere Date: 6/28/1995 File: Prime Numbers.sit (45449 bytes) Estimated Download Time (60658 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 363 Needs: C++ Compiler Keywords: C SOURCE CODE TYPE: Freeware LIBRARY: MDV/Developer Source Code/C++ KEYWORDS: C SOURCE CODE Here's a very fast prime number calculater made by the Project Gutemberg guys. You probably know them; they put out thousands of eTexts. This program was used by them to calculate the first hundred thousand prime numbers. Also included are the Think C++ documents and source code. The source code in C is availible separately for IBM and UNIX compilers who can't run the mac application. Qs, Comments, hate mail (especially), direct it all to EVetere. ----------------------------------------------------------- Macintosh Developers Forum Libraries. Go Keyword: MDV This file has been checked for viruses with Disinfectant 3.5